All around the world, many business owners are navigating a “new normal” when it comes to their business. Some of you are now trying to work from home with a full house of children who would otherwise be at school. Some women have had to close down their business temporarily to ensure the safety of their clients and themselves. It’s worrisome not knowing how things will unfold however, I’m encouraging you to choose not to dwell on the fear of uncertainty and instead choose to see the light in this situation we are all facing as female entrepreneurs. Today, I am sharing with you on how to embrace times of slowness and stillness in your business.
How to Embrace a Slow Season in your Business
- First and foremost, get some rest. Give yourself some grace and the permission to slow down. Sleep in, snuggle with your family in the morning, watch movies all afternoon, and take naps with your kids – whatever your version of rest is, embrace it. Your work will always be waiting for you so why not just enjoy this time to reconnect and recharge?
- Revisit your brand strategy, web design, and copywriting. Your brand strategy, website and copywriting is the core of your business. Maybe you rushed this process the first time around – what more of a perfect time than now to intentionally strengthen the foundation of your business.
- Reevaluate your offerings. Ask yourself if your current service offerings bring your joy or do they bring you down? Is there something else you want to offer but never had the time to pursue it? This season of slowness is a wonderful opportunity to reevaluate your offerings and to make the necessary changes to ensure that your heart and soul lights up with the work you are doing.
- Invest in yourself. We often spend so much of our time and energy working in our business that we often neglect the importance of working on our business. Take this moment of stillness to learn both on a personal and professional level. For you, this could mean registering for that course you’ve been eyeing up for months, finding a mentor that you truly connect with, taking the leap to rebrand your business or simply reading a personal development book. You are worth the investment.
- Get ahead. Do you have a list of amazing blog post ideas that you’ve been meaning to write but never seem to have the time to actually sit down and write it? Use this rare and valuable time of slowness in your business to get ahead on your blog. Putting in the time on your blog is a perfect opportunity to connect with your audience and showcase your talents and expertise.
I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are staying home and safe during this time. Also, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding branding or just need a listening ear… I’m here for you.
x. Patricia